31 weeks as of Saturday! I still cannot believe I am in the home stretch!
How Big is Baby and what Baby is up to (baby center copy and paste):
This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.
Weight Gain:
around 20 pounds. Yeah not a fan of the scale. But trying to keep it there and have been good about it.
Best Moment of the Week:
Taking Evie to a big sister class and her doing wonderfully. Listening, helping diaper her doll. Pointing that babies wear diapers, etc! I think she will do good!
This kid is so active. So much more than Evie ever was. Constant movements, kicks, stretches, etc. I would like to say there is a time of day, but each day it varies and feel like I feel him at least once every hour. Usually every few minutes!
Belly Button:
Innie. But can see the bottom
What I miss:
Lame, but Beer. I have had a very small glass here and there. Not like I drank that much anyways, but want a nice cold dark beer.
How I am feeling:
Not bad. I sleep with a mini snoogle. It has really helped keep my hips and back happier. Around 3-4 am I do toss it off the bed since it is a pain to flip with.
I am starting some hip pain/looseness at random times. Ligaments are starting to loosen. I feel a slight waddle at times too. yikes!
Heartburn SUCKS. I take Zantac 75 twice a day, and usually have tums to go with it. Bed time I get a bit of heartburn while laying down, but a cup of water helps and I can usually fall asleep. Need to start a spoonful of honey before bed.
I have a wonderful cold from Evie. It is mostly a cough, but the pregnancy mucus production does not help. I feel like I cough so much up at when I get out of bed. I use a breathright nose strip when I sleep. I do a sinus saline wash every evening.
Also not hungry at all in the evenings. Indigestion combined with heartburn just makes me not want to eat.
Been really wanting soft serve or a milk shake. Not in the mood for acidy stuff because of heartburn.
What I am looking forward to:
I want to make this baby a ring sling. Need to get to the fabric store to see what they have, if not order some fabric online. Instructions for a pleated one that I want to make. Also to start crossing things off the list of what I want done in the house before the baby comes.
31 weeks with this dude:
31 weeks with Evie:
Hello bigger bum! Also this dude is lower!
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