Just thinking and typing so sorry if this is rambling and go from topic to topic. I know I am not a good writer, hey I am an engineer and did not take an english or writing class since High School.
So yes I am very excited to nurse this baby. I loved loved loved nursing Evie. She was breastfed exclusively (except the first week where we supplemented) for a good 5.5 months until we introduced solids. Then pumped at work and nursed her many times a day until 1 year. Then I dropped pumping at work and nursed her morning and night until 22 months. She started dropping the morning nursing session around 19 months(?). And 22 months she was done with the evening session. Shows that yes your body does adjust to what the baby/child needs. Was wonderful. Was a great cuddle session. She would look up at me with that milk grin. The look in her eyes of full love. Amazing.
She still remembers nursing. When I don't have a shirt on, she will point to my boobs and say milk, and we talk about how she used to drink milk from there. Love that she remembers! Lately I am telling her that yes she used to get milk from there, but the new baby will be getting milk from there now on. I think she understands. But love the fact that she will really understand what the baby is doing when he nurses.
Then I started thinking:
Will my milk will come in faster this time around? I hope so, since I know what foods to eat this time to help production and what foods hinder production. I plan on making lactation cookies and start drinking mom's milk tea from the beginning (why don't they offer this in the hospital? I know I will bring some!). Also wondering if the 2 month break from not nursing Evie to getting pregnant will help me. When this kid is born, it will have been 11 months since I last nursed, so maybe my body will quickly remember? Actually maybe less time since I was still producing milk for a bit until I got pregnant.
Will the first week be as much hell as it was with Evie (nurse, give bottle (mom milk or formula), pump, wash things)? I hope not! I know so much more starting this time around than the last. I know what the "I'm Hungry" cues look like. I know what is normal for a latch, and know how often they will be nursing.
Will I need a nipple shield again? I needed it since Evie could not latch, but yes my nipples have changed with nursing her 22 months so I hope not. I'll just say this, they are much more obvious now then when I started nursing Evie.
Will Evie be ok with me nursing the new baby? I hope so. Just worry about her wanting my full attention then... Very happy that Nick now does Evie's bed time so I can be nursing or tending to the new one and her bedtime schedule will stay the same.
Will Evie want to nurse again when she sees the new baby nursing? I really wonder about this since yes she does remember. It will only be 11 months since she last nursed. Will she ask to nurse? Will she just try to nurse? Will she say that is her milk? Do I let her nurse and tandem nurse? Do I tell her that no the milk is now for the baby? This is really where I don't have any idea of answers.
How long will I last with a toddler to take care of also? I hope I can last as long. Hope I don't get sick of pumping. But I did enjoy the break from work, and the ability to read a lot of books. I found a pumping bra and reading to get my mind off everything really helped. But with work as busy as it is, and me wanting to work out and really run more, will I have time to pump AND work out / run?
So many questions and thoughts about how this will all work out. Only time will tell, and I am so much more prepared to nurse this baby than I was with Evie!
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