Just a random update......
Monday went to the dentist. Was not a bad appointment. It is a good thing when I only have to go there every 6 months! I just really don't like the poking and prodding they do in my mouth. So uncomfortable. And sucked even more that I had a cough. But it is over and done with and don't have to go back till December!
I am so tired of being sick! Every day the cough is getting better. Took my last antibiotic today! I am sleeping much better too!
I feel so bad for the dogs. I really want to take them on walks, but with the coughing and wheezing I havn't been up for it. Hopefully tomorrow they will get a walk.
I have been so bad. Been over 2 weeks since I went grocery shopping. Like real grocery shopping. Been busy and sick over the weekends just wasn't up for it. Either sending Nick tonight while I am at agility class or going tomorrow!
This week has been dragging. Excited for a 3 day weekend! Need to do a lot of cleaning (carpet cleaning included), weed wacking, weed pulling, and I am going to visit my aunt in Mass! Is it really only Wednesday?
Woot 30 weeks today! Eeek! Hard to believe I am that far and how we are no where close to ready!
I actually am dealing with the heat well so far. I do love the heat! Even tho being pregnant, i did notice the humidity more... But I was sleeping well and not uncomfortable yet. Was 90 yesterday, going to be 92 today. But doing well. We are going to look for an ac soon for our bedroom. With a newborn, I don't want to make it suffer with the wonderful New England August.
Oh speaking of New England summers... time to start storing bread in the fridge so it does not mold as fast! The humidity just loves to make our bread mold so quickly!
After I finished this, I realized I had some more ramblings......
Yesterday, I walked a few blocks in my flip flops. I have worn these flip flops before. A lot. But I got some nice blisters on my feet from them. Wonderful! So now I am wearing tennis shoes (or sneakers whatever you call them where you are) when it is nice out and all I want to wear are sandals!
Oh yesterday was awesome! Got home, was siting on the couch. Still wearing a lightweight dress. And totally saw the baby moving around! It was kicking up high, so I was able to see it! Was awesome!