Friday, September 3, 2010


So today, Evie has been eating a lot. And then falls asleep at the breast. It has to do with the heat - two bodies close together makes us each hot and she falls asleep. But we did some feeding down stairs with the shield. She got fussy, we went upstairs to the rocker. Was rocking her and thought might as well try. SHE LATCHED! Only for maybe 30 seconds - but she latched so easily!!!! Happy Day. Tonight/Tomorrow going to try again! Will be so awesome if we can ever get rid of the shield - will be so much comfortable trying to nurse in public!

And I love only having to pump twice to three times a day! And not having to supplement her! We have come a long way from having to feed her with our pinky and syringe and having to trick her to latch with a lot of fluid! And how now she doesn't really have any formula - so happy she is drinking all breastmilk!!!

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