Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Due Date To Me

No baby, no signs of baby. I highly doubt it will be coming any time soon. I know I will wake up tomorrow morning overdue. Accepted that fact. But it happens to a lot of women, so I did in the back of my mind expect this to happen. I am bouncing and rocking on my yoga ball (same as birthing ball) every night for 30-40 min.

Its funny. At the beginning of this pregnancy, I wanted things to go as natural as possible. But now at the end, I just want the baby out! I want to celebrate his or her birthday! I would so be up for induction right now! I see the benefit, somewhat, of my family members who scheduled c-sections. I don't want one, but I see the benefit of knowing the exact day you will have the baby. Funny how your plans change as you reach the end.

But today in the shower I decided that Friday is my last day of work! My parents are arriving on Saturday/Sunday! So it will be at most 2-3 days vacation then short time disability, then a week of vacation. So looks like returning to work September 30 or October 1st. Works for me!

Now to decide if I am going to go to agility class tonight. It could help get things going. Maybe. I will be tired, but it helps me relax and not keep my mind on baby. I see the benefits of going and not going. Not sure. I know Nick doesn't want me to go. I'll figure it out by 4 today...

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