Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Since Evie got her top teeth this weekend, she has been more interested in biting. oh joy.

This morning she bit me while nursing. Not down that hard. Did not hurt *that* much.  But I pulled my nipple out right away. It got caught on the top teeth and some of the skin got pulled away and I started to bleed. What every nursing mother looks forward to.

She bit me twice this morning. Once while I went to yell at the dogs since they were getting into something. Then once when we resumed a few minutes later.

I know it has to do with her getting startled, bored, or full. At least that is what kellymom is telling me.I did do what I have heard about is say no biting and put her down. She did throw a little temper tantrum. So today, sporting a bandaid on my nipple. This will make pumping interesting.

Talking to daycare at drop off, she is trying to bite other kids at day care. Wonderful. They are picking her up, removing her from the situation, and putting her in her crib with no pacifier. I am fine with this. It is similar to what I would do at home, put her down and ignore her while she is throwing a temper tantrum. I do not want to be a mom who gives into a temper tantrum. And as I was leaving day care, I remembered the temper tantrums I used to throw. I was good at them. I would cry so hard I threw up. so I guess I know where she gets her temper from. Sorry Evie.

And for anyone interested here is a wonderful kellymom article about biting while nursing.

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