Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Sickness

Yes, I know a lot of posts today, but Evie is napping and got up early, so I have time!

Evie started day care 1.5 weeks ago. Of course last weekend she got sick - just a stuffy nose. Sunday night Nick got so much stuff out of her nose. She slept well in her bouncy seat since she was at an angle. Sunday night I woke up in the middle of the night and found our humidifier and set it up. Those things seemed to help a lot.

She is already getting better. Not that much of a stuffy nose. Sleeping much better. Less fussy.

Butttt - Nick and I got sick. I got it 1-2 days after Evie got sick. Nick got it on Thursday. I am finally starting to feel better. Hating this whole breastfeeding while sick since I can't take anything since I don't want to worry about lessing my supply. But I have had 1 sudafed every once and a while, since breathing and being happy is better for baby.

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