Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Week of Day Care

The first week of day care went well. We have gotten better getting ready in the mornings. Have made it out of the house in 1.5 hours. Showers in the evenings helps tremendously.

Dropping her off is getting easier. It helps being so close to home and work that it makes the drive a lot easier. I think if I had to choose if we were living further from work, that I would have the day care near work, not near home. It helps since they love having her there. They are happy to hold her whenever I come in.

They say she is sleeping well in her crib. So it is good that they have done the crib breaking in and not us.

She spends the day in her crib watching the mobile, playing under the play mat like baby gym, in the bouncy seat, in the swing, in their arms (they sing, talk to them etc), sleeping and eating. They really enjoy having her there and keep saying she is such a good baby. And I get comments all the time of her outfits.

I think next week I am bringing in one of her cloth diapers and showing it to them so I can hopefully convince them to cloth diaper her instead of disposables. I don't think they know how easy cloth diapers are - especially pocket diapers. I have done some research on a cloth diapering board (on the bump) about what to bring up to them. All they have to do is put the dirty diaper in a wet bag - I will do all the dirty work of getting poop off (once she is eating food), removing inserts, etc.

And the 100% best moment of my day - picking Evie up, kissing her, hugging her and bringing her home!

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