Monday, December 6, 2010

4 month wakefull

yep we are in it.

This is a lovely period, from what I have read, where babies are more aware of their surroundings. They wake up at night, many times.

Nick has said that when he goes in there, she is making noise and crying, the second he opens the door, she smiles at him and stops. So happy. He does this a few times before he comes to bed at night (around midnight - 1 am). I go in and feed her around 1:30 to 2 now (used to be later) and she does eat. Then around 4:30 she wakes again, happy as can be when I open the door (lights are always off during the middle of the night). Give her back her pacifier. Put the seahorse back on. Go back to bed. Then awake again at 5:30, and she nurses again. And does eat.

They say this happens, especially to nursing babies, because they are so distracted while nursing that they don't eat as much during the day and make up for it at night. Totally the case here. And it happens because around 4 months they are more aware of the world around them and just like to know what is going on.

From reading here this is a good milestone. What a wonderful milestone *eyeroll*. it means that Evie is bonding with us and is having a good time with us during the day.

Wonder how long this will be.

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