Friday, January 28, 2011

I feel like a little bit of a failure

Yesterday Evie had 2 blow outs at day care. She is in size 2 seventh generation diapers. I like these since they have little chemicals to sit next to her bare bum (they are even un bleached!). But really 2 blow outs??? We never get these at home in cloth. I think we may try to move up to size 3....

But also she gets a red bum at day care in disposables. It does not seem to bother her and is gone after being in cloth for a few hours. Just baffles me.

I am debating about trying out a different brand of disposables. Any suggestions to try? I really would like to stay away form many chemicals

I just wish day care would use cloth. But they won't due to sanitary reasons. I just don't get it. They would just have to put them in a hanging wet bag. We would keep some disposables there in case. Her bum would be so much happier. She would rarely blow out. They are cute. Easy to use.


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