Friday, June 11, 2010

Wonderful night sleep...yeah right

Ick. Last night I had horrible heartburn! We got home from the parenting newborn class, and I had some heartburn. Thought it was from the pizza we ate right before we left. So I had a little ice cream, which usually does a good job soothing it. Was fine for a while. Went to bed I was fine. Woke up with the worst heartburn around 2am. Could not go back to sleep. At least Nick was nice enough and went downstairs to grab me some tums. I am really really trying not to take too much medicine, but I think I may have to try some Zantac. Oh I was in pain, but didn't want to get out of bed - hoping I would fall back asleep and not notice it.

Now that I think about it, last night I had a horrible night sleeping. Woke up with heartburn at 2am, baby was awake too and dancing around. Eventually fell back asleep. Luna woke me up at 4:30. I let her out (she only peed). But was really happy and energetic. Went back to bed. She was still moving around, but thought it was because something was outside, or the birds singing. Could not fall back asleep due to the birds and baby being active. Sort of fell asleep around 5 or 5:30. Woke up at 6 and Luna has diarrhea. Took both dogs outside. Fed the animals. Cleaned the carpet in our bedroom where she made a mess. Barricaded the dogs downstairs so they don't make a mess of the carpet. Layed down for 30 min. Dogs started barking at an animal outside (sounded like a cat). They responded to my quiet from upstairs, YEA! Alarm went off. Got up.

So 4-5ish hours of sleep!

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